

The 教育公平和多样性中心 (ce) was 美国东部时间ablished to increase research and improve practice on issues of diversity and equity in the 沃拉沃拉大学 (WWU) 教育与心理学院 (SEP). 这是一个与公众互动的中心, 无论是在WWU校园还是在Walla Walla Valley社区. 

沃拉沃拉大学行政部门, 教师, 员工坚定地致力于行动中的公平原则(梅纳德-里德), 2010). 相信澳门线上博彩官网都是上帝的孩子, 按照他的形象创造的, 赋予每个人不可估量的价值和价值, 不管他们是什么种族, 性别, 文化或社会背景, 以及内在的智力或身体能力. 因此, the WWU-SEP is committed to fostering the unique gifts of each individual and celebrates their diversity (Dunzweiler ., 2016, p. 3).


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最近,ce为在校学生举办了一场免费的电影放映活动 想知道 里面提供披萨、零食和饮料

The movie highlights August 'Auggie' Pullman who has a rare medical condition that has left him with a facial deformity. We follow along as Auggie attends middle school for the first time after homeschooling and learns to maneuver through challenges of developing friendships, 管理恶霸, 对自己的皮肤有信心. This film equipped viewers with a hands on strategy for responding to diversity through kindness and acts as a reminder that there is "no point in trying to fit in, 当你想要脱颖而出时."




澳门线上博彩官网很高兴地欢迎旋律Ezpeleta教授加入澳门线上博彩官网的ce团队. 她是澳门线上博彩官网的心理系代表.  埃兹佩莱塔教授得了B.S. 在沃拉沃拉大学获得心理学学士学位,并获得硕士学位.S. 罗玛林达大学婚姻与家庭治疗硕士. Her personal and professional experiences within various school systems has instilled a passion to give back to the community through active collaboration with others. 




We are excited to introduce our new ce助理 for the 2021-2022 school year, Aleah克拉克. Aleah is a WWU Junior Elementary Education major and she is looking forward to assisting our team with our upcoming projects. 请关注澳门线上博彩官网今年春季活动的公告!



澳门线上博彩官网很高兴为大家介绍2020-2021学年的ce助理.  阿什利·比尔兹利是WWU工商管理专业的大四学生,她很高兴能加入ce团队.  随着疫情的蔓延, 今年与往年有些不同, 但ce团队一直在为即将到来的一年的远程目标而努力, 尽管挑战已经出现.  


从2019年11月到2020年4月, 澳门线上博彩官网和弗兰克·拉米雷斯一起勤奋地工作, 一个叫国防部的组织的老板和主管美国东部时间.来创造一个澳门线上博彩官网认为可以概括澳门线上博彩官网在ce工作的标志. 国防部美国东部时间 是一家“创造性的机构,为客户提供独特的可消化的解决方案”. 


“树的生长是由根基决定的。. 图为一只手在培育幼苗. Providing equitable opportunities for students with diverse backgrounds will bring forth fruitful returns. As educators we are never given a 'new' student, they have already built perspectives of the world. 它们是幼苗. 作为教育者,澳门线上博彩官网澳门线上博彩官网的知识、能力和可用的资源来指导学生. 澳门线上博彩官网是手."



Last spring ce hosted an info session for inter美国东部时间ed WWU and local community members willing to either join our first advisory board or be involved in future ce events. 超过15人参加了会议,并对未来的参与做出了积极的回应. 首届ce顾问委员会将于10月30日(星期三)正式召开会议. Thanks to all who continue to support the mission of ce and increase research and improve practice on issues of diversity and equity in the 教育与心理学院 and greater community.


澳门线上博彩官网非常高兴地欢迎新加入的ce员工. Joyleen Mabika(下图右)是WWU的大四学生,作为ce协调员加入澳门线上博彩官网. WWU大三学生Daniela Argumedo(图左)是澳门线上博彩官网新的ce助理. 两人都努力工作,以优雅和积极的态度推动ce的使命. 欢迎加入ce团队!


戴安娜·埃里克森, 当地双语培训顾问, conducted three one hour EL training sessions for the EDUC 450: Introduction to Student Teaching class in May, 2019. Twenty teacher candidates learned how to utilize research-based strategies to implement in their future classrooms. Teacher candidates expressed that these training sessions were especially helpful in providing examples and context for how to plan their instruction to engage English learners in their classrooms. 每次训练都伴随着晚餐. 


周四, 5月9日, 2019年教育发展中心与多元文化教育权利联盟(McERA),来自华盛顿州西雅图. This workshop featured a panel of discussion members from multi-cultural backgrounds who work with students and teachers in the Seattle Public Schools, 也是沃拉沃拉社区成员. 黎明班纳特, 胡安·科尔多瓦, 辛迪Sandino-Chang, and Kathy Mulkerin answered qu美国东部时间ions about creating equitable spaces in multi-cultural classrooms. The panel members' stories and experiences illustrated the impact of connecting with individuals, 问问题, 在学校和教室里为社区建立一个开放的空间. 研讨会的与会者包括来自沃拉沃拉山谷多所学校的教育工作者, 蓝山行动委员会成员, 世界海洋大学的教职员工, 和世界大学的学生.

A follow up qu美国东部时间ion and answer session was held Friday morning at The Atlas coffee house to continue the conversation and dialogue with McERA on building community and taking equitable action. 超过15名教育工作者、学生和社区成员参加了会议.


黎明班纳特t from the Multicultural Education Rights Alliance will be hosting ce's Spring Equity Professional Development Workshop on 5月9日 from 4–6 p.m. This workshop will include stories from 黎明班纳特t and gu美国东部时间 educators from the Seattle on the role of diversity and equity in education. 该活动将在WEC 209举办,所有人都可以免费参加. 回复在 cepd.哪些.com.


The 教育公平和多样性中心 (ce) is preparing to launch its first research based, 同行评议电子期刊, diversus. The purpose of the journal shall be to disseminate scholarly work to an audience of educators with inter美国东部时间 in the promotion of equity and diversity in educational settings. 观众会很热情的, 但不限于基督教教育机构, and would encourage articles that address the issue of diversity in the Pacific Northw美国东部时间 USA as well as the wider American and Christian community. A sampling of topics the journal might include are special education and inclusion in education, 女性和少数族裔群体在STEM领域的代表性, 种族歧视, 种族, 移民身份, 性, 以及弱势群体获得教育机会的机会. Diversus正在寻找研究文章, 研究评论, 书评, 以及教育家或其他对教育公平和多样性感兴趣的人的评论. 联系 奥斯丁.archer@adjunmobile.com



On Monday, October 22, 2018 ce co-sponsored a training event with the WWU Student Teaching class. 这次活动邀请了来自戴维斯小学的两位演讲嘉宾Melissa Lopez和Helen Cantero. 洛佩兹和坎特罗都在课堂上开展双语伙伴项目. 在这次培训中, 学生们学习了有效的英语教学策略,以便在课堂上实施, 还享用了披萨晚餐. 随后是问答环节.


今年5月,ce主办了一场由《澳门线上博彩官网平台》一书作者凯蒂·基辛格主持的研讨会 幼儿课堂反偏见:手拉手,一步一步. 超过60名参加者出席了活动, 在我校教育与心理学院课程图书馆举办. 活动包括小组讨论和茶点, 以及凯蒂自己作为一名反偏见教育者的经历. Katie’s stories illustrate the power of open dialogue and equitable practices in creating safe and welcoming classrooms. The passion Katie has for seeing the ability in all her students inspired the future and current educators in attendance.


ce有幸邀请专业教育工作者艾琳·琼斯参加一个社区活动. In 2013, Jones was recognized at the White House as a "Champion of Change and in 2015 was Washington State PTA's "Outstanding Educator.在这个发人深省的事件中, Jones shared her life story and led an interactive workshop which taught strategies for increasing equity and diversity in education. 该活动于2017年5月22日下午4点至7点举行.m. 在冬季教育大楼209室.




ce sponsored the Society of Bioengineering and the Education Club in hosting a toy hack workshop where students 国防部ified toys to make them more accessible for children with disabilities. 该活动于周日举行, 2月25日, 下午6点半到9点在Kretschmar三楼的项目实验室. 


秋季学期,ce为社区举办了一场免费电影活动. 放映的电影是《澳门线上博彩官网平台》, the inspirational true story of a down-and-out teacher and his students entering a NASA sponsored Lego robotics competition. 免费提供披萨、热饮和甜点.